
🎁 An advent calendar all about (Neo)Vim.

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🎁 Vim-Advent-Calendar

A calendar all about (probably) the best editor that has ever existed:) As you can tell, I’m just a little bit biased, but this does not mean, that you cannot form you own opinions. So try all the things in the calendar to get a good idea of the power and capabilities of (Neo)Vim. You’re going to learn the basics, random tricks, configuration and (some) advanced usage. Maybe it is a bit much for 24 days, but if you continue to use (Neo)Vim, you’ll be amazed how great it is:)

πŸš€ Get started

  1. Clone git repo using ssh: git clone
  2. Have a look at the prerequisites:
  3. Pull to get the password for the day: git pull
  4. Unzip each door using the password for the given day: unzip -P <PASSWORD> path/to/Door_<X>.
  5. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 every day until Christmas.
  6. Profit:)

✨ Automagically open Doors

Make sure the script has execute permissions using: chmod u+x path/to/

🀝 Contribution

If you spot a mistake or have an idea to improve the project, create an issue.

πŸŽ„ Merry Christmas!

xkcd 378

πŸ”‘ Passwords

These are the passwords for each of the 24 doors. Do not take them too seriously:)

  1. NanoIsForPlebs
  2. Bogosort>Quicksort
  3. BoycottJavascript
  4. SegmentationFault
  5. CoreDumped
  6. DasistdasHausvomSamichlaus
  7. AlanTuring
  8. IuseArchbtw
  9. WingardiumLeviosa
  10. P=NP
  11. Rowhammer
  12. MemoryLeaksWithGarbageCollection
  13. unsatisfiable
  14. Carmichael
  15. SingularValueDecomposition
  16. Sectumsempra
  17. XÆA-12
  18. KolmogorovComplexity
  19. WebKit>Chromium
  20. GNU+Linux
  21. Lokinet
  22. Bernoulli
  23. TempleOS
  24. ExpectoPatronum